Welcome to Miles News (the Everything Website)
This is the current number of site views! Pretty cool, right?
So what is this?
The reason this is the "Everything Site" is that I take suggestions for what to add. I will likely be adding short games and comics, but the suggestions will be integral to the development of the site.
Keep exploring the main page to find more subpages!
Fun Fact: I coded most of this website in pure HTML and CSS, and besides the website hoster, I used no external programs! Just HTML and CSS, which I learned in 6th grade programming class.
Fun fact (fun not guaranteed): I just added a marquee effect at the top of the page for news!
Check it out! It's Sonic the Hedgehog!
You might be wondering where I get all these gifs? I wouldn't normally tell you, but I guess you scrolled all the way down here, so...
Woah! A disc! Maybe you should click it and see where it takes you...
That's right everyone! It's time for everyone's favorite series beginning now...
The category is...
Top Five Summer Treats!
Here we go!
5. Popsicle - Everyone's favorite frozen treat (subjective), as long as it doesn't give you a brain freeze!
4. Ice Cream - A basic answer, yet one with enough depth as the flavors allow
3. Coca Cola Starlight (limited edition!) - The world's most popular soft drink modified to "taste like space". In my opinion it tastes like cotton candy!